Brief Biographical Information of the Delegation Members 2019 (in alphabetical order of last names)

Cindy Gillespie 美國阿肯薩州社會福利部部長

Cindy Gillespie 部長,於2016年3月由阿肯薩州州長 Asa Hutchinson 任命為社會福利部部長。她負責領導醫療補助計畫、兒童福利、少年司法,以及提供該州最弱勢族群社福資源之其他計畫。

Gillespie 部長是全國公認的衛生政策思想領袖,在聯邦和州層級機關,有非常豐富的工作經驗。她曾擔任Dentons 跨國律師事務所所長,領導衛生政策和醫療保險團隊。在此之前,她是華盛頓特區 McKenna Long&Aldridge 律師事務所公共政策和法規事務部門的高級常務董事,領導該國際律師事務所的醫療政策團隊。她主要關注領域為醫療照護和醫療保險改革事務。

更早之前,她擔任麻塞諸塞州州長 Mitt Romney 的衛生政策和聯邦計畫的高級顧問。她領導麻塞諸塞州與聯邦政府的互動及溝通,並監督政府行政部門計畫之制定和執行,包括主導麻塞諸塞州的衛生政策之改革。在許多國家出版品上,可以見到她對於衛生政策相關議題的撰文。


Gillespie 部長於田納西州 Trevecca Nazarene 大學取得大眾傳播和企業管理雙學士學位,並於阿拉巴馬州奧本大學取得碩士學位。

Cindy Gillespie, Director, Arkansas Department of Human Services

Cindy Gillespie was appointed director of the Arkansas Department of Human Services by Governor Asa Hutchinson in March of 2016.  She oversees Medicaid, child welfare, juvenile justice and other programs that support the well-being of the state’s most vulnerable populations.

Cindy Gillespie is a nationally recognized thought-leader in health policy and brings significant experience working at both the federal and state levels. Her previous career includes serving as a principal at the multinational law firm Dentons where she led the Health Policy and Health Insurance Exchange Teams. Prior to that, Cindy was a Senior Managing Director in the Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs practice at McKenna Long & Aldridge in Washington, D.C. She led the international law firm’s Health Care Policy Team. Her primary focus was on health care and health insurance reform.

Earlier, Cindy served as a senior advisor to Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on health policy and federal programs. She led the Commonwealth of Massachusetts interactions with the federal government and oversaw development and implementation of the Administration's executive branch initiatives, including playing a leading role in the development of Massachusetts health reforms. Her writings on health policy issues have appeared in numerous national publications.

She also worked as the senior federal relations official for the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games and the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games as well as advised the 2012 New York and 2016 Chicago Olympic Bid Committees.

Cindy received her bachelor’s degree with a double major in communications and business administration from Trevecca Nazarene University in Tennessee and a master’s degree from Auburn University in Alabama.

Sheila Hogan 美國蒙大拿州衛生與社福部部長

Sheila Hogan 部長,於2016年12月由蒙大拿州州長 Steve Bullock 任命為衛生與社福部部部長。她在公共行政領域工作超過30年,對這個機關所服務的無數的蒙大拿人來說,她一直都是個重要領袖與支柱。


Hogan 部長透過策略規劃的過程,設定蒙大拿州衛生與社福部大方向,並致力於整合不同部門資源,提升運營效率,以及強化利害相關人溝通。

在 Hogan 部長的領導下,蒙大拿州衛生與社福部執行了保護蒙大拿州孩童的目標型計畫,他們和比林斯診所合作,透過 ECHO 專案的個案管理者回饋機制,為個案工作者提供額外支援,並建立新的個案管理資訊系統。


Sheila Hogan, Director, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

Sheila Hogan was appointed in December 2016 by Governor Steve Bullock to be the Director of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS). She has been a champion for the thousands of Montanans this agency serves through her work in public service for over 30 years.

Prior to her current appointment, she served as the Director of the state’s Department of Administration for four years, with a focus of strategic health care initiatives, customer service, and streamlining government processes to better serve Montana communities. She directed a multi-faceted initiative in the state healthcare plan that saved the state and taxpayers more than $30 million. She also led staff in a top-to-bottom review of the state health plan, resulting in the streamlining of services, saving taxpayer money, and increasing government efficiency.

Sheila has worked to set the direction of DPHHS through a strategic planning process that focuses on braiding existing resources across various agency divisions, improving operational efficiencies, and strengthening stakeholder relationships.

Under Sheila’s leadership, DPHHS has also launched targeted initiatives to protect Montana’s children, partnered with Billings Clinic to provide additional support to caseworkers through Project ECHO and implemented a new case management computer system.

Sheila has also worked to launch a new internal grant process that is yielding positive results. DPHHS has recently been awarded grants to increase statewide access to pediatric psychiatric care in Montana, improve perinatal behavioral health for pregnant and postpartum women, combat the opioid and substance abuse epidemic, promote suicide prevention, fund mental health training and sustain respite services in Montana.

Christopher Jones 美國北達科他州社會福利部部長

北達科他州州長 Doug Burgum 於2017年任命 Christopher Jones 擔任社會福利部部長,並擔任其內閣成員。社會福利部有2,162個職員,總預算為39.7億美元。 Jones 部長領導他的團隊致力於提供高效率的社會福利服務,以改善該州弱勢族群之健康、安全和福祉。



Jones部長在擔任社福部部長前,在衛生服務管理、規劃及技術諮詢方面,擁有19年的經驗。他擔任天主教醫療體系 (CHI) 的策略和經營發展部門資深副總裁,該體系在18個州擁有100多家醫院,年收入超過150億美元,其中包括北達科他州首府俾斯麥的 CHI St. Alexius 醫療系統。在此之前,他曾在CHI的策略及經營單發展部門擔任經理,主任和分析師,並擔任 Allina 醫療系統和 Vizient 的顧問。

Jones 部長在明尼阿波利斯聖托馬斯大學獲得經營管理碩士學位,並在明尼蘇達州的 Concordia 學院獲得醫療管理和北歐研究學士學位。

Christopher Jones, Executive Director, North Dakota Department of Human Services

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum appointed Christopher Jones to lead the Department of Human Services (DHS) and serve as a member of his cabinet in 2017.  The human services department has 2,162 authorized positions and a current budget totaling $3.97 billion. The team Christopher leads is focused on improving the health, safety and well-being of vulnerable North Dakotans by providing effective and efficient human services.

Since joining state government, Christopher has invested his time in a multi-agency effort to redesign the delivery of social services in North Dakota by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies and constraints to achieve better client outcomes.  He and his team have also been working with the governor’s office to craft a department budget proposal around key strategic priorities that include Medicaid administration simplification, behavioral health, long-term services and supports, and social service redesign.

The department is responsible for the supervision, administration or provision of Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, economic assistance programs, child support, aging services, children and family services including child protection, family preservation, foster care and adoption services; and child care regulation, vocational rehabilitation, developmental disabilities services including community services and the Life Skills and Transition Center; and behavioral health services, which include the Behavioral Health Division, the North Dakota State Hospital, and the eight regional human service centers.

Christopher brings 19 years of experience in health service operations, strategy, technology and consulting to his role as DHS Executive Director.  He was a division senior vice president of strategy and business development for Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI), an enterprise with more than $15 billion in annual revenue and over 100 hospitals across 18 states, including CHI St. Alexius Health in Bismarck.  Prior to that role, he spent several years as a manager, director and analyst in CHI’s Strategy and Business Development function and worked as a consultant for Allina Health System and Vizient.

Christopher earned his Master of Business Administration degree from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis and has undergraduate degrees in health care administration and Scandinavian studies from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota.

林倩蓉教授 美國杜克大學政策與組織管理研究中心共同主任和市場管理學教授


林教授在創意課程設計、經理人深造進修計畫發展有多年經驗,以及多元量化之調查設計與統計分析等領域也多有鑽研。她在國際性與美國國內之學術研討會中多次發表論文並獲研究獎,目前為國際網絡營銷與廣告學刊編輯審查委員會委員, 並曾擔任杜克大學富爾布萊特獎學金的評審委員。她也曾獲廣告教育基金會邀請成為訪問教授。



Cheryl Lin, Co-Director, Policy and Organizational Management Program, Duke University

Dr. Cheryl Lin is Co-Director of the Policy and Organizational Management Program and on the faculty of the Markets & Management Program and the Psychology & Neuroscience Department at Duke University. She teaches marketing management, service quality, consumer psychology, and international business. Her research focuses on interdisciplinary approach to consumer insights, social and health behavior, decision science, labor economics, and the influence of cross-culture experience. She is the faculty lead of Bass Connections’ medication adherence project, a cross-departmental research initiative at Duke. 

Professor Lin has more than 15 years of experience in innovative program development and curriculum design planning for executive training. She has published and presented at numerous international conferences and received multiple research awards. She is on the editorial review committee of the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising and ad hoc reviewer for the American Public Health Association. Dr. Lin also served as a reviewer for Fulbright Fellowship at Duke University and was awarded a visiting professorship at the American Advertising Education Foundation.

In addition to her academic endeavor, Dr. Lin served on the board of directors of the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership for six years, appointed by the City Council to help promote economic prosperity. She is a board member of the Koo Foundation’s Cancer Center Biobank and Ethics Review Board and McKinney’s diversity and inclusion advisory board. She also serves as the co-convener of the Duke-Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare symposium since 2006.

Dr. Lin holds a doctorate in business administration and education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a master’s degree in economics from Duke University, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of California at Berkeley.

José T. Montero 美國疾病管制局CSTLTS處長

José Montero 醫師擔任美國疾病管制局 CSTLTS(州、部落、地方和美國境外領土協調支援整合)處長,負責監督領導 CDC 對美國聯邦衛生部以及為各州, 地方縣市,原民領地和離島公衛醫療部門所提供的資源協助。他帶領針對重要計畫和技術性需求的支援及協調,提升公共衛生系統服務量能與成效,以達到維護全體國民健康之目標。為因應持續變化之環境, Montero 醫師與他的團隊致力促成 CDC 資深官員、公共衛生領袖、主要合作夥伴和利益關係人合作,發展創新策略,強化公衛體系整備及應變工作。

自2016年起 Montero 醫師擔任美國疾病管制局副局長兼任 OSTLTS 辦公室主任直到最近, CSTLTS 被批准升格成為CDC的新國家級整合中心。 Montero 醫師在公共衛生領導統御和傳染病預防控制擁有豐富的經驗,他主要關注領域為健康差異的社會決定因素與公共衛生體系,以及整合公共衛生和全民健康於臨床實踐。

在此之前,Montero醫師曾在新罕布什爾州達特茅斯大學於基恩市的CMC/DHK醫學中心 (Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene) 擔任人口健康與衛生系統整合副總裁,協助改善醫療保健系統及人口健康策略。他也曾擔任新罕布什爾州衛生福利部公衛署署長。

Montero 醫師於哥倫比亞國立大學取得醫學學位,他專攻家庭醫學,並在哥倫比亞卡利市的瓦耶大學 (Universidad del Vall) 完成住院醫師訓練,他還擁有哥倫比亞波哥大市哈維里亞納天主教大學 (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) 的流行病學學位,並獲得哥倫比亞應用流行病學培訓計畫認證,以及達特茅斯大學的健康照護服務管理之碩士學位。

José T. Montero, Director, Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

José T. Montero, MD, MHCDS, is Director of the Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where he oversees support to the US health departments and those serving tribal nations and insular areas. He provides leadership for key activities and technical assistance designed to improve the public health system’s capacity and performance to achieve the nation’s goals in population health. With his team, Dr. Montero leads efforts to create communities of practice where CDC’s senior leaders work with the executive leaders of the public health jurisdictions, key partners, and stakeholders to identify new, improved, or innovative strategies to prepare the public health system to respond to changing environments.

Dr. Montero served as Deputy Director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since 2016 and directed the Office for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (OSTLTS) until recently when CSTLTS was approved to be established as a new center at CDC. Dr. Montero has extensive experience in public health leadership and in the prevention and control of infectious diseases at the state, federal, and international arena. His major research and practice interests are related to social determinants of health, public health systems, and the integration of public health and population approaches into clinical practice.

Previously, Dr. Montero served as vice president of population health and health system integration at Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, where he helped the healthcare system advance its population health strategy. He also served as director of the Division of Public Health Services at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.

Dr. Montero holds a medical degree from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He specialized in family medicine and completed his residency at the Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. He also holds an epidemiology degree from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, received his certification of field epidemiology from the Colombia Field Epidemiology Training Program, and a master’s of healthcare delivery science from Dartmouth College.

Karen Smith 美國加州衛生部部長

Karen Smith 部長,由加州州長 Jerry Brown 於2015年3月任命為衛生部部長和州的公衛長。加州衛生部制定計畫以支援全州和地方衛生局策略,並針對慢性病、傳染病、環境危害、醫療機構稽核、婦幼健康照護、醫療機構許可及認證等議題擬定相關政策,並關注醫療照護之緊急應備工作。

Smith部長是一位專攻傳染病和公共衛生的醫師。在擔任部長之前,她從2004年起擔任加州納帕郡衛生福利局的公衛長和副局長,並在2012年至2014年期間,同時擔任了納帕郡皇后谷醫療中心 (Queen of the Valley Medical Center) 的傳染病醫療團隊成員。

在更早之前,Smith 醫師於1992年至2004年在史丹福大學醫學院擔任過多個職位,包括住院醫師、研究員和主任。在此期間,她還在1997年至2004年期間同時擔任聖克拉拉郡的結核病管控醫師和副醫療長。此外,她自1997以來也一直擔任加州大學舊金山分校法蘭西斯.傑.凱律國際結核病中心 (Francis J. Curry International Tuberculosis Center) 的顧問教授。


在接受醫學訓練之前,Smith部長曾參加世界和平工作團,在摩洛哥、泰國和尼泊爾從事傳染病控制工作。Smith 醫師擁有內科和傳染病的專科。她在約翰霍普金斯大學公共衛生學院取得公共衛生碩士學位後,於史丹福大學完成了醫學訓練和傳染病專科研究。

Karen Smith, Director and State Public Health Officer, California Department of Public Health

Dr. Karen Smith was appointed by Governor Jerry Brown as director of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and state public health officer in March 2015. CDPH provides programs that support the activities of statewide and local health agencies and address a broad range of health issues, including chronic diseases and communicable diseases, environmental quality and hazards, inspection of health facilities, care for maternal and child health, as well as licensing and certification of health facilities. The Department also has a special focus on health care emergency preparedness.

Dr. Smith is a physician specializing in infectious disease and public health. Prior to her current appointment, she served as public health officer and deputy director at the Napa County Health and Human Services Agency since 2004. She was also on medical staff for infectious disease at Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa from 2012 to 2014.

Previously, Dr. Smith held several positions at Stanford University School of Medicine from 1992 to 2004, including resident, fellow and course director. During that time, Dr. Smith also served as TB Controller and Deputy Health Officer for Santa Clara County from 1997 to 2004. In addition, she has been a faculty consultant for the Francis J. Curry International Tuberculosis Center at the University of California, San Francisco since 1997.

Dr. Smith has served as a subject matter expert on Public Health Emergency Preparedness for working groups convened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and serves on the Board of Scientific Counselors of the CDC Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response.

Prior to her medical training, Dr. Smith participated in the Peace Corp and worked in communicable disease control in Morocco, Thailand, and Nepal. Dr. Smith is board certified in internal medicine and infectious disease. She completed her medical training and infectious diseases fellowship at Stanford University after having obtained a Master of Public Health degree at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public health.

桂教授 美國杜克大學政策與組織管理研究中心主任和組織管理及國際研究教授


在涂教授的領導下,其研究中心結合國際級的產官學界發展研究專案,並針對政府官員及民間企業的高階領導人,就公部門管理、領導統御、全球衛生、品質及績效評估、顧客關係與行銷 、危機管理、量化方法論、及教育等相關議題上提供量身定製的課程設計和訓練。 此中心以全方位的整合作法,結合不同領域與跨科系之教學與研究,輔以實地參與和實務交流的授課執行方法,為其特色。

涂教授在為美國及多國政府機構設計高階主管進修課程有超過二十年的豐富經驗,主持過數個杜克大學與國家元首,大使及各國政要合作的計畫。她的經驗還包括與國際組織、跨國研究機構、非政府組織、公共機構和民間企業的顧問,目前並擔任環境品質文教基金會的董事。涂教授也熱心參予地方公共事務, 並曾擔任北卡州教堂山市人事爭議審議委員會委員六年及公教員工給與委員會委員。


Pikuei Tu, Director, Policy and Organizational Management Program, Duke University

Dr. Pikuei Tu is director of Duke University’s Policy and Organizational Management Program and a faculty member at the International Studies and Markets & Management Studies. Duke University is world-renown for its excellence in education, research, and medical care. It is  consistently ranked as a top ten university in the U.S. Professor Tu’s teaching and research include a wide range of issues on international development policy, public and private sectors strategic planning, management and organizational behavior, and leadership.

Under Dr. Tu’s leadership, the Policy and Organizational Management Program develops and conducts research projects with academic, public and private institutions and provides customized executive education and initiative design for ranking international government officials and private enterprises on a range of topics, e.g., public management, leadership, global health, quality and performance evaluation, relationship marketing, crisis management, quantitative methods, and education. The unique approach of comprehensively integrating a variety of disciplines and methodologies in teaching, research, exchange, and practice is a distinctive feature of the Program.

Professor Tu has more than 20 years of experience in designing custom programming and in working directly with international dignitaries such as former Presidents of Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia, Constitution Justice of South Africa, and U.S. ambassadors. Her experience also includes consultancies with international organizations and research institutes, non-governmental organizations, public agencies, and corporations. She serves as a board director to the Environmental Quality Protection Foundation. Dr. Tu has also been involved in public service in the local area; she served on the Personnel Appeals Committee and the Pay Plan Review Committee at the Town of Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Professor Tu received her doctorate in educational leadership with a concentration on organizations and social behavior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She holds a master’s degree in international development policy as well as a graduate certificate in Latin American Studies from Duke University, and an MBA with a food and agribusiness focus from Santa Clara University.